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Wednesday, December 6, 2023

COP28参加国は「虚勢張らず高い目標を」、事務局長が呼びかけ - ロイター (Reuters Japan)


 12月6日、国連気候変動枠組条約(UNFCCC)のサイモン・スティル事務局長(写真)は記者会見し、国連気候変動枠組み条約第28回締約国会議(COP28)の参加各国は虚勢を張るのをやめて高い目標を掲げ、「化石燃料の時代」に終止符を打つ方法で合意する必要があると述べた。写真はアラブ首長国連邦(UAE)のドバイで1日撮影(2023年 ロイター/Thaier Al Sudani)

[ドバイ 6日 ロイター] - 国連気候変動枠組条約(UNFCCC)のサイモン・スティル事務局長は6日に記者会見し、国連気候変動枠組み条約第28回締約国会議(COP28)の参加各国は虚勢を張るのをやめて高い目標を掲げ、「化石燃料の時代」に終止符を打つ方法で合意する必要があると述べた。








William leads the UK Breaking News team, making sure Reuters is first to report key developments in political, economic and general news. He previously spent nearly a decade in Westminster as UK Political Correspondent and before that covered financial markets during the euro zone debt crisis.

Kate Abnett covers EU climate and energy policy in Brussels, reporting on Europe’s green transition and how climate change is affecting people and ecosystems across the EU. Other areas of coverage include international climate diplomacy. Before joining Reuters, Kate covered emissions and energy markets for Argus Media in London. She is part of the teams whose reporting on Europe’s energy crisis won two Reuters journalist of the year awards in 2022.

Gloria Dickie reports on climate and environmental issues for Reuters. She is based in London. Her interests include biodiversity loss, Arctic science, the cryosphere, international climate diplomacy, climate change and public health, and human-wildlife conflict. She previously worked as a freelance environmental journalist for 7 years, writing for publications such as the New York Times, the Guardian, Scientific American, and Wired magazine. Dickie was a 2022 finalist for the Livingston Awards for Young Journalists in the international reporting category for her climate reporting from Svalbard. She is also an author at W.W. Norton.

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COP28参加国は「虚勢張らず高い目標を」、事務局長が呼びかけ - ロイター (Reuters Japan)
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